Sunday 18 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 10

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   152 - 159

 Summary: Willie is picked to be in the school production.  Mr Oakley fills in for Mr Bush who takes the school choir because Mr Bush has been called up.  Willie also finds out about Mr Oakley's love Rachel and his son also named William.  Rachel died from scarlatina and William died shortly after Rachel. 
I also read on and found out that Zach dies later on in the book. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Monday 12 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 9

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   111 - 122

 Summary: Willie gets a notepad, pencils, colouring pencils and a sharpener for his birthday.  Willie and Tom then go and thank every person who gave him a present.  Willie then drew a carved eagle on a pulpit in the church. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Sunday 11 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 8

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   105 - 111

Summary:  It is Willie's birthday and he gets so many things and is speechless.  Willie is going to start getting up earlier and practice writing his name. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 7

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   96 - 105

Summary:  Willie goes to school for the first time and is put in the babies class because he can't read and write at the age of 8.  When Willie gets home from school Tom helps Willie write his name.  Willie picks it up quite fast because he does alot of drawing. 

Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Monday 5 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 6

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   68 - 96

Summary:  Willie meets a friend name Zacharias Wrench.  They call him Zach for short.  he is an evacuee as well as Willie.  After Tom's wife dies Tom hadn't been to a community meeting since she had died.  This is the first time Tom has been back to the community meetings and Tom offers to help around the city.  Willie, Zach, Ginnie, Carrie and George all go black berrying.

Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Sunday 4 November 2012

Palindrome Poem War

Bloodshed Horrible

Barbaric War

Devastatingly Pointless

War Barbaric

Horrible Bloodshed

By Olivia and Hannah


Thursday 1 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 5

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   31 - 44

Summary:  Willie is extremely scared of animals and is ashamed of showing his legs because he has be whipped with the belt.  When Tom and Willie go for a walk to Doctor Little they find out that Willie has malnutrition.  Tom wants Doctor Little to look at Willies scars. 
Thoughts: The book is getting a bit more exciting.