Thursday 21 June 2012


Natural Disasters

My topic was on Volcanoes.  I learnt many things like the Manua Loa is the biggest volcano in the world and is based in Hawaii.  I also learnt that Vulcanologist is a word.  It means a scientist that studies volcanoes and tries to predict when a volcanic eruption will erupt.  Another thing that I learnt was that the word Vulcan means volcano and got its name from Greek mythology.   I also learnt that it is unknown to how many volcanoes are in the world.  Another thing I learnt was that when pressure in the magma chamber builds up and that causes a volcanic eruption. 

In Roses presentation about nuclear power I learnt that nuclear power affects people and babies.  I also learnt that nuclear power can cause massive tumours. 

In many of the earthquake power points and speeches I learnt that the biggest earthquake in New Zealand was in Wellington.  I also learnt that the first earthquake occurred in 2010 and that the second one occurred on the second of February 2011. 

How to Put a Power Point on your Blog

1. Click onto your power point and click save as and save it as a windows live movie.
2. Save it as your topic as a movie.
3. Go onto your blog and click write post.
4. Then click on the movie button next to the insert image.
5. Upload the video then publish.
If on your blog it doesn't show all it shows is a white screen log out and type in your url code and see if it has uploaded.  

Wednesday 6 June 2012

My Long Weekend

In the weekend I went to Lakes Ranch to ride.  When I got there I found out it was a working bee weekend.  I had to do heaps of things.  First of all my friends and I had to do the gardens, feed the cows, goats, sheep and pigs.  Then we were going to make the field for the horses bigger the next day.  That next day when we tried to to move the paddock there were two horses having a bit of a fight.  River and Ice were there names.  Then they spooked a horse called Lotti who spooked another one called Cer Roc who snapped the tape.  Then all the horses started galloping around the field and started bucking.  We were suppose to be riding that day.  Instead we ended up herding the horses creating a new paddock and rolling up the tape.  We were in the paddock for about 3 hours.  We didn't get to ride after all.  We did heaps of stuff and then we had to go home.  It was upsetting to see my friends go.  ☺