Thursday 21 June 2012


Natural Disasters

My topic was on Volcanoes.  I learnt many things like the Manua Loa is the biggest volcano in the world and is based in Hawaii.  I also learnt that Vulcanologist is a word.  It means a scientist that studies volcanoes and tries to predict when a volcanic eruption will erupt.  Another thing that I learnt was that the word Vulcan means volcano and got its name from Greek mythology.   I also learnt that it is unknown to how many volcanoes are in the world.  Another thing I learnt was that when pressure in the magma chamber builds up and that causes a volcanic eruption. 

In Roses presentation about nuclear power I learnt that nuclear power affects people and babies.  I also learnt that nuclear power can cause massive tumours. 

In many of the earthquake power points and speeches I learnt that the biggest earthquake in New Zealand was in Wellington.  I also learnt that the first earthquake occurred in 2010 and that the second one occurred on the second of February 2011. 

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