Sunday 13 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 18

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

What does Eve do in this chapter?
Eve went to Ian McMillan's presentation and told Matt about everything.  Then he hung out with Matt and Jackson.  Then they went to the forest and found Zirk spying on them.  Eve faked finding the Rothery Stone.  The most valuable diamond when it was just a piece of glass to trick the Zirk. 

What is going to happen next?
Our prediction is that Zirk works for Skulla and the WXK gang.  He is spying on Matt, Jackson and Eve to try and find out what they do and where the gold and diamonds are.  Then the Geologists will block off the area just before they find something big.

Hannah, Shania and Jessie

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