Thursday 31 May 2012

Magnificent Museum Trip :)

Today our class went to the Rotorua Museum.  We went to the museum because our class is studying natural disasters.  We went through eight galleries and looked at some exhibitions.  

In gallery one it was all about Maori carvings and the Maori history.  I learnt that the Maori word for treasure is Taonga.  

In gallery two it had a big silver waka in the middle of the room split into quarters.  In the room it had information all about how the Maori people came to New Zealand.  I learnt that the the adze once belonged to Tamatekapua.  

In gallery three it had all these carvings and objects that the Maori people used.  I learnt that a hinaki is a basket to catch eels.  

In gallery four it had a big pataka when you first walked into the gallery.  I learnt that the pataka Te Oha was a food storage.  

In gallery five it had big rifles and weapons.  I learnt that two objects that the Europeans bought to New Zealand the Maori people had never seen.  Those two objects were a musket and a bible.  

In gallery six it was all about the Tarawera eruption on June 10th 1886 and about the pink and white terraces.  I learnt that Mount Tarawera will most definitely erupt again in around 600years.  I also learnt that the pink terrace is called otukapuarangi and the white terrace is called Te Tarata.   

In gallery seven it was all about the Maori Battalion.  It had alot of uniforms and even had the Nazi  sign that the Maori Battalion had captured when they fought in World War 2.  I learnt that the wife's of the men that went to war made some dried up pipis and the men at war at it was like chewing gum.  

In gallery eight it had more carvings and one of the carvings is called Te Rangitakaroro which is originally used as a gateway.  I learnt that in 2001 1 in 9 Maori people lived overseas.  

Then we went down to the basemen.  It was scary.  I learnt that there is a  ghost living in the basement.  

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