Sunday 18 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 10

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   152 - 159

 Summary: Willie is picked to be in the school production.  Mr Oakley fills in for Mr Bush who takes the school choir because Mr Bush has been called up.  Willie also finds out about Mr Oakley's love Rachel and his son also named William.  Rachel died from scarlatina and William died shortly after Rachel. 
I also read on and found out that Zach dies later on in the book. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Monday 12 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 9

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   111 - 122

 Summary: Willie gets a notepad, pencils, colouring pencils and a sharpener for his birthday.  Willie and Tom then go and thank every person who gave him a present.  Willie then drew a carved eagle on a pulpit in the church. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Sunday 11 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 8

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom 

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   105 - 111

Summary:  It is Willie's birthday and he gets so many things and is speechless.  Willie is going to start getting up earlier and practice writing his name. 
Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 7

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   96 - 105

Summary:  Willie goes to school for the first time and is put in the babies class because he can't read and write at the age of 8.  When Willie gets home from school Tom helps Willie write his name.  Willie picks it up quite fast because he does alot of drawing. 

Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Monday 5 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 6

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   68 - 96

Summary:  Willie meets a friend name Zacharias Wrench.  They call him Zach for short.  he is an evacuee as well as Willie.  After Tom's wife dies Tom hadn't been to a community meeting since she had died.  This is the first time Tom has been back to the community meetings and Tom offers to help around the city.  Willie, Zach, Ginnie, Carrie and George all go black berrying.

Thoughts: The book is definitely getting a bit exciting.  ☺

Sunday 4 November 2012

Palindrome Poem War

Bloodshed Horrible

Barbaric War

Devastatingly Pointless

War Barbaric

Horrible Bloodshed

By Olivia and Hannah


Thursday 1 November 2012

Reading Record - Day 5

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   31 - 44

Summary:  Willie is extremely scared of animals and is ashamed of showing his legs because he has be whipped with the belt.  When Tom and Willie go for a walk to Doctor Little they find out that Willie has malnutrition.  Tom wants Doctor Little to look at Willies scars. 
Thoughts: The book is getting a bit more exciting.  

Thursday 25 October 2012

Record Day - 4 Goodnight Mister Tom

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   24 - 31

Summary:  Tom and Willie are still in the park.  Tom meets up with many people and gets Mrs Fletcher to make a jumper for Willie.  Willie had never seen a cow before and was very curious of the animal.  Everybody was getting prepared for a blackout that night. 

Thoughts: The book is getting a bit more exciting. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Record Day - 3 Goodnight Mister Tom

Title: Goodnight Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages:   18 - 24

Summary:  The boy Willie was astonished that he got a room to him self.  He then found out that the dog he met in the graveyard was Tom's and was harmless to him.  Sammy the dog only wanted the stick Willie was waving around.  Willie was then sick out of the window and went to sleep.  Tom and Willie go and walk Sammy but Willie gets left behind by yards. 

Thoughts: I am still not enjoying the book as much as Mrs Harvey said. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Personification Poem

The gun sharply cracked the whip.
It then popped some popcorn ready to fire.
The enemy went down a steep hill
The enemy was nowhere to be seen.

Diamante Poem

Intense, revolting
Eradicating, shooting, killing
Soldier, battle, gun, aeroplane
Fires, yelling, exploding
Brutal, dangerous

Cinquain Poem

Violent, scary
Fighting, running, adventurous 
Pointless, afraid, innocent, brave

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 2

Title: Good Night Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages Read: 13-15

Summary: The child was considered a bad boy and his mother gave him small beatings but the child is worried that Tom will give him harder hits because he is bigger.  The child had bumps and bruises all over his body.

Thought: I think that this child abuse shouldn't be used no matter what they do.  Violence isn't the answer.  It doesn't resolve anything but hurt. 

Monday 15 October 2012

Reading Record - Day 1

Title: Good Night Mister Tom

Author: Michelle Magorian

Pages Read: 9-13

Summary: A lady gave Tom Oakley a child.  This child was awfully skinny, shy and extremely scared. 

Thought: The book wasn't as exciting as my teacher told me but I feel sorry for the child for being separated from his Mum.  It was also quite sad of how much the child ate and how skinny he was. 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Chapter 18

1.  Why does the DOA guard get annoyed with Percy?

The DOA guard gets annoyed with Percy because Percy wasn't pronouncing the guards name correctly.  Percy says Chiron instead of Charon. 

2.  How does Charon realize Percy and his friends are not really dead?

Charon realizes that Percy, Annabeth and Grover aren't dead because Charon sniffs them and realizes that Percy is a godling. 

3.  How does Percy finally convince Charon to take them into the elevator?

Percy convinces Charon to take him to the elevator by giving Charon many gold coins and telling him that Percy will mention to Hades that Charon needs a pay rise. 

4.  What does the River Styx look like?  Why does it look this way?

The River Styx was dark and misty with alot of bones, broken dolls dead fish and many other strange things.  The river was also very oily.  The River Styx is like this because humans throw in their hopes and dreams.

5.  Describe the entrance to the underworld. 

There was alot of dead spirits and a big turn pipe as well as an airport security.  There were three entrances under one big arch.  There were many security cameras and metal detectors. 

6.  If you were standing in that line, would you rather choose EZ death and go straight to the Asphodel, or risk being judged for your actions on earth?

I would rather choose Ez death and go straight to Asphodel. 

7.  What is Percy's plan to get past Cerberus?  Why doesn't it work?

Percy's plan to get past Cerberus is to throw a stick to make Cerberus chase after it.  It doesn't work because Cerberus didn't take the stick and it just fell into the River Styx. 

8.  How does Annabeth save them?  Why is she able to do this?

Annabeth saves them by talking to Cerberus and telling Cerberus to sit.  Annabeth threw the ball and Cerberus catches the ball.  As Annabeth plays with Cerberus Percy and Grover sneak through.  Annabeth is able to do this because she went to obedience school because she had a dog.  

9.  What does Percy realize about monsters at the end of the chapter?

Percy realizes that the monsters need attention every once in a while.

10.  Do you feel sorry for Cerberus? Would you have risked playing fetch with him, if you were Annabeth?

Yes I do feel sorry for Cerberus.  I would have risked playing with him because if I was Annabeth you would know how to handle a dog.  

Monday 27 August 2012

My Favourite Speeches

My favourite speeches were Kate's and Bryanna's.  Kate did her speech on why we should do our own choice speech not on the Olympics.  Kate has always been good at writing and presenting her speeches.  I love how Kate always chooses a speech that means something to her. 
I also love Bryanna's speech because her speech topic definitely talked to many people.  Bryanna presented her speech very well.


Sunday 22 July 2012

My Weekend

In the weekend I had 2 Korean students named Cindy and Daisy.  On Sunday it was just us.  We went into town and roamed around and looked at shops.  Then we watched Madagascar and ate noodles.  Then we ate dinner and then played UNO.  Daisy won the game.  Then we went to bed. 

Maori Language Week

This week is Maori Language Week.  Each day we will get a new proverb.  Today's proverb is:

 Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou
ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket and my food basket
the people will thrive.

I think this means that if we combine our knowledge with other peoples knowledge we will give people new knowledge.

Thursday 21 June 2012


Natural Disasters

My topic was on Volcanoes.  I learnt many things like the Manua Loa is the biggest volcano in the world and is based in Hawaii.  I also learnt that Vulcanologist is a word.  It means a scientist that studies volcanoes and tries to predict when a volcanic eruption will erupt.  Another thing that I learnt was that the word Vulcan means volcano and got its name from Greek mythology.   I also learnt that it is unknown to how many volcanoes are in the world.  Another thing I learnt was that when pressure in the magma chamber builds up and that causes a volcanic eruption. 

In Roses presentation about nuclear power I learnt that nuclear power affects people and babies.  I also learnt that nuclear power can cause massive tumours. 

In many of the earthquake power points and speeches I learnt that the biggest earthquake in New Zealand was in Wellington.  I also learnt that the first earthquake occurred in 2010 and that the second one occurred on the second of February 2011. 

How to Put a Power Point on your Blog

1. Click onto your power point and click save as and save it as a windows live movie.
2. Save it as your topic as a movie.
3. Go onto your blog and click write post.
4. Then click on the movie button next to the insert image.
5. Upload the video then publish.
If on your blog it doesn't show all it shows is a white screen log out and type in your url code and see if it has uploaded.  

Wednesday 6 June 2012

My Long Weekend

In the weekend I went to Lakes Ranch to ride.  When I got there I found out it was a working bee weekend.  I had to do heaps of things.  First of all my friends and I had to do the gardens, feed the cows, goats, sheep and pigs.  Then we were going to make the field for the horses bigger the next day.  That next day when we tried to to move the paddock there were two horses having a bit of a fight.  River and Ice were there names.  Then they spooked a horse called Lotti who spooked another one called Cer Roc who snapped the tape.  Then all the horses started galloping around the field and started bucking.  We were suppose to be riding that day.  Instead we ended up herding the horses creating a new paddock and rolling up the tape.  We were in the paddock for about 3 hours.  We didn't get to ride after all.  We did heaps of stuff and then we had to go home.  It was upsetting to see my friends go.  ☺ 

Thursday 31 May 2012

Magnificent Museum Trip :)

Today our class went to the Rotorua Museum.  We went to the museum because our class is studying natural disasters.  We went through eight galleries and looked at some exhibitions.  

In gallery one it was all about Maori carvings and the Maori history.  I learnt that the Maori word for treasure is Taonga.  

In gallery two it had a big silver waka in the middle of the room split into quarters.  In the room it had information all about how the Maori people came to New Zealand.  I learnt that the the adze once belonged to Tamatekapua.  

In gallery three it had all these carvings and objects that the Maori people used.  I learnt that a hinaki is a basket to catch eels.  

In gallery four it had a big pataka when you first walked into the gallery.  I learnt that the pataka Te Oha was a food storage.  

In gallery five it had big rifles and weapons.  I learnt that two objects that the Europeans bought to New Zealand the Maori people had never seen.  Those two objects were a musket and a bible.  

In gallery six it was all about the Tarawera eruption on June 10th 1886 and about the pink and white terraces.  I learnt that Mount Tarawera will most definitely erupt again in around 600years.  I also learnt that the pink terrace is called otukapuarangi and the white terrace is called Te Tarata.   

In gallery seven it was all about the Maori Battalion.  It had alot of uniforms and even had the Nazi  sign that the Maori Battalion had captured when they fought in World War 2.  I learnt that the wife's of the men that went to war made some dried up pipis and the men at war at it was like chewing gum.  

In gallery eight it had more carvings and one of the carvings is called Te Rangitakaroro which is originally used as a gateway.  I learnt that in 2001 1 in 9 Maori people lived overseas.  

Then we went down to the basemen.  It was scary.  I learnt that there is a  ghost living in the basement.  

Sunday 27 May 2012

My Weekend

In the weekend I did the 40hour famine with my friends Bryanna, Sophie, Kate and Olivia.  Bryanna and Sophie did the no eating.  Kate, Olivia and I all did the no technology.  We all slept at Bryannas house outside in the tent.  We found this massive spider.  It was sooooooo freaky but cool. 

Monday 21 May 2012

Describe what happened in this chapter.

Skulla steals the Rothery stone off Matt just as he finds it. The mudpool explodes and Skulla, Diz, Croak, and Jackson dies The Rothery stone is lost in the mud. Old Tani tried to warn them but he would not run until just before it blew up. 

It's fun trying to predict what happens next. 

Its boring just listening to the story.  

It's interesting reading everyone's comments and what they have written.

Thursday 17 May 2012

1.5k Run

Today my time was 8 minutes 21 seconds.

Wednesday  9 minutes 23 seconds
 Thursday 8 minutes 32 seconds
Friday 8 minutes 21 seconds

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 21

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

What do you think will happen?
I think that Cecil will go for help and that Jackson, Ana, Eve and Matt will wriggle out of this by the skin of their teeth.  They won't be safe for long because Skulla will go after them with his gang. 

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 20

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

What did Matt and Eve find?
Matt and Eve found about 40 diamonds in the ponga candle stand. 

Do you think that they should go with Ana? Why? Why not?
I don't think that they should go with Ana because she did the robbery for Skulla.  I have a feeling that she is bad news.  I think she is leading them into Skullas trap.  

1.5k Run

Yesterday we had to do a 1.5k run and we were timed.  I got 9 minutes and 23seconds.  Today I got 8 minutes and 32 seconds. 

Monday 14 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 19

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

Why did they go to the museum?
They went to the museum so Matt could hand over the sovereigns and the strong box.  Eve also wanted to hand over some papers to the museum crouirtor. (Jacksons cousin)

What do you think might be special about the ponga?
 I think that the ponga would be quite special because it might lead them to a big clue that will give them an answer to this mystery.

Hannah, Shania and Jessie

Sunday 13 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 18

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

What does Eve do in this chapter?
Eve went to Ian McMillan's presentation and told Matt about everything.  Then he hung out with Matt and Jackson.  Then they went to the forest and found Zirk spying on them.  Eve faked finding the Rothery Stone.  The most valuable diamond when it was just a piece of glass to trick the Zirk. 

What is going to happen next?
Our prediction is that Zirk works for Skulla and the WXK gang.  He is spying on Matt, Jackson and Eve to try and find out what they do and where the gold and diamonds are.  Then the Geologists will block off the area just before they find something big.

Hannah, Shania and Jessie

My Weekend

On Friday evening I had trampoling.  I had to do a hour of conditioning.  It was so painful.  Then we I went to the big bouncy trampoline I had an epic fail.  I was doing a back straight and my coach said "remember to point your toes."  So then I focused on that instead of rotating and landed on my neck and clicked my back and stomach muscles.  Then in the weekend I didn't do anything particular.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 17

What is the Gawks real name?
The Gawks real name is Cecil Hilton.
(Paragraph 1 Page 128)

Where does he live?
He lives in a galvinized iron garage sitting behind a house.  It was small and filthy.
(Paragraph 1 Page 128)

Why did he give the items back?
Cecil gave the jewels and gold back because he was scared of the WXK Gang.
 (Paragraph 4 Page 128)

Would you be worried if you were Matt? Why? Why not?
 I would be scared because of the WXK gang.  He clearly has the jewels and golds but he hasn't given the WXK gang any of them. 


Today for fitness we did the same 1k run and my time was 5minutes 23seconds.  Yesterday I got 5minutes 44seconds.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha - Chapter 16

WALT - Find the meaning of words.

Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendant

Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number and paragraph number.

Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word.

Console- A panel or unit accommodating controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.
 (Paragrah 1 Page 116)

Bombardeded- Attacke with criticism or information.
(Paragraph 10 Page 116)

Briefly- For a short amount of time.
(Paragraph 3 Page 116)

Edition- A particular form or version of a published text:
A particular version of a text that has been created or revised from a substantially new setting of type: "a first edition"

(Paragraph 2 Page 117)

Pendant- A piece of jewllery that hangs from a string.
(Paragrah 2 Page 117)

Console - My sister bought a game console.

Bombarded - I bombarded Shania with horse information.

Briefly - I briefly explanied how to do maths.

Edition - I read the new horse magazine edition.

Pendant - My Mum bought me a new pendant. 

Hannah, Jessie and Shania


Doobie is my Mums little dwarf rabbit. We got him from the SPCA and was dropped off there because he was to old.   He is black and very, very grumpy if he doesn't get his own way.  Some days when he is out in his run and it starts to rain, he just sits there getting saturated.  If Doobie doesn't get into the run because it is to wet he will move his litter tray with his teeth and shred his newspaper to bits.  Doobie loves to roam around in the garden eating all the dandelions in the garden and hiding under the bushes.  He is very fast and is very hard to catch.